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Is there a practical reason for being Catholic?

Dr. Michael Baxter discusses the fact that biggest advantage to being Catholic means always being able to rely on a tradition. He uses the example of death and the tradition of a Catholic funeral service that hasn’t changed in hundreds of years. He thinks that tradition is an enablement factor because it takes away the need to invent the elements of practicing religion.

Streaming Media


Playing Time: 3:07 Minutes

About the interviewee:

The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Baxter, C.S.C. (Ph.D. Duke University, 1996) is Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Baxter is interested in the interrelationship of theology, history, and ethics, with particular attention paid to the morality of war and Christian peacemaking. Baxter's long-term research focuses on the emergence and development of the Americanist Tradition in Catholic Social Ethics from World War I to the present. He has published articles in the DePaul Law Review, Pro Ecclesia, Communio, andThe Thomist, and he co-founded Andre House, a house of hospitality dedicated to serving the poor and homeless of downtown Phoenix. Baxter was a Fellow of the Kroc Institute and he also served as the National Secretary of the Catholic Peace Fellowship.

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