Workin’ on a Bassline (CD)
Artist(s) role(s)
Thunderstick members include:
Brian Torff, bass, vocal on Workin' on a bassline
Joe Beck, guitar
Grisha Alexiev, drums
Produced by
Bassline Records
Document Type
Year of Creation
Year of Release/Publication
Brian Torff composed, arranged and produced this CD in addition to playing the bass. He also contributed the vocals on 'Workin' on a bassline'.
Recorded at Presence Studios, Westport, Conn., June 11, 1997.
1. Underground railroad (5:20) -- 2. Life in East Bumblepuck (5:06) -- 3. Spirits rejoice (5:00) -- 4. Lula's work song (4:34) -- 5. Soul of the quarter (5:12) -- 6. Ghost train (4:48) -- 7. What the bass say (4:50) -- 8. Workin' on a bassline (8:11) -- 9. Hoodoo man (3:30) -- 10. Blowed up real good (4:00).
Recommended Citation
Torff, Brian Q.; Beck, Joe; and Alexiev, Grisha, "Workin’ on a Bassline (CD)" (1997). Visual & Performing Arts Faculty Music Gallery. 5.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Copyright 1997 Bassline Records
All songs produced, arranged and composed by Brian Q. Torff.