Perspectives of logistics executives on the post-1992 european environment

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This article focuses on a study which discusses the perspectives of logistics executives with international responsibilities on the post-1992 European environment. The views of logistics executives regarding the strategic implications of Europe 1992 were solicited through a mail questionnaire sent to a select sample of managers chosen from the membership roster of the Council of Logistics Management. One part of the survey asked logistics executives a number of questions relating to their general perceptions of the Europe 1992 concept. And second part of the questionnaire asked respondents to indicate the probable changes in importance to a set of logistical functions, managerial functions, and business functions in response to implementation of the Europe 1992 concept. Findings of the survey show that respondents overwhelmingly (90 percent) agreed that comprehensive implementation of the Europe 1992 concept would take place on time or within a few years thereafter. Given the high perceived impact, it is not surprising that a majority of respondents indicated that the overall level of preparation undertaken by the firm as well as the logistics department as high or very high. In terms of probable changes in importance, the business functions of logistics and marketing were perceived as the most likely to be affected by creation of a single European market.


Copyright 1991 Penn State University/American Society of Transportation and Logistics

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Publication Title

Transportation Journal

Published Citation

Poist, Richard F., and Carl A. Scheraga. "Perspectives of logistics executives on the post-1992 european environment." Transportation journal 31, no. 1 (1991): 36-44.
