Validating the Health Communication Assessment Tool©(HCAT)
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Background - Clinical simulations provide an opportunity to assess students' patient-centered communication. The purpose of this study was to further validate the Health Communication Assessment Tool© (HCAT) with international and interprofessional health care educators.
Methods - A total of 218 educators watched an online video of a simulation and assessed a student's communication behaviors using the HCAT.
Results - Exploratory factor analysis revealed a five-factor model. The average intraclass correlation of these factors was high (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.99), whereas the single-measure consistency ICC was moderate (ICC = 0.41).
Conclusions - Analysis of the HCAT using interprofessional, international simulation educators provided further evidence of the instrument's reliability and validity.
Publication Title
Clinical Simulation in Nursing
Repository Citation
Pagano, Michael; O'Shea, Eileen R.; Campbell, Suzanne H.; Currie, Leanne M.; Chamberlin, Elizabeth; and Pates, Christopher A., "Validating the Health Communication Assessment Tool©(HCAT)" (2015). Communication Faculty Publications. 47.
Published Citation
Pagano, Michael P., Eileen R. O'Shea, Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Leanne M. Currie, Elizabeth Chamberlin, and Christopher A. Pates. "Validating the Health Communication Assessment Tool©(HCAT)." Clinical Simulation in Nursing 11, no. 9 (2015): 402-410. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2015.06.001
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