Making a place for technology in teacher education with geographic information systems (GIS)

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In North Carolina in the Spring 2000 semester, an experimental 'Geographic Information System (GIS) in Education' course for pre and inservice teachers was introduced at North Carolina State University (NCSU). Participants mastered a complex technology and overcame barriers as they collaborated with university faculty to coconstruct the course through reflective discussions and e-mail. Mostly social studies educators, the students chose final projects that applied GIS to analyze social problems spanning scales of local community history to international migration patterns.


Copyright 2001 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

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Publication Title

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Published Citation

Alibrandi, M. & Palmer-Moloney, J. (2001). Making a place for technology in teacher education with geographic information systems (GIS). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 1(4), 483-500 (Electronic Journal). American Association for Computer Education (AACE)

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