The Relationship Among Self-Report and Measured Report of Psychological Abuse, and Depression for a Sample of Women Involved in Intimate Relationships With Male Partners

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This study examined the relationship between level of depression and level of psychological abuse in women. In addition, the relationship between the use of self-report and measured report of psychological abuse within an intimate relationship was assessed. One hundred women were surveyed using the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results form the PMWI, the BDI and self-report measures were compared and analyzed. Statistical results indicated that a significant relationship existed between level of depression and level of psychological abuse. In addition, self-report was not predictive of psychological abuse as measured by the PMWI.


Copyright 2009 Sage Publications

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Publication Title

The Family Journal

Published Citation

Kelly, Virginia A.; Warner, Kelly; Trahan, Courtenay; & Miscavage, Karen (2009). "The Relationship Among Self-Report and Measured Report of Psychological Abuse, and Depression for a Sample of Women Involved in Intimate Relationships With Male Partners." The Family Journal, 17(1), 51-57.


