The Gas Turbine Handbook

The Gas Turbine Handbook


Contributing authors: Dr. Lance Smith, Dr. Hasan Karim, Dr. Shahrokh Etemad, Dr. William C. Pfefferle


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Shahrokh Etemad (with Lance Smith, Hasan Karim, and William C. Pfefferle) is a contributing author, "Catalytic Combustion”, Section 3.2.2" and "Fuel-Rich Catalytic Combustion, Section 3.2.2".

Book description: The NETL Turbine Handbook has been developed to provide technical information regarding the stationary power generation gas turbine, and other turbine based systems that are relevant to the U.S. DOE Fossil Energy (FE) Advanced Turbine Program. To accomplish this task, an outline of potential topics was developed that would form the basis for input to the handbook. The out-line was not comprehensive, but rather intentionally focused on topics relevant to the FE Turbine Program. In formulating an approach to produce this handbook, it also was decided that contributions would be solicited on a voluntary basis. Once the outline was established, it was easy to identify several prominent researchers for each topic who might be interested in writing the particular section. Other prominent individuals were also identified as potential contributors. The staff that was assembled to produce this handbook sent inquiries to allow potential authors the opportunity to reflect on the outline and consider sections that they might have an interest in writing. Potential authors responded to our request, and identified their priority topics. With topics and authors aligned, the real work began for the authors to produce their sections. At the end of this process we had most of the intended sections of the handbook addressed. Authors of handbook sections were provided considerable time to produce their sections, and were encouraged to include as much detail as they deemed appropriate. This approach and lack of constraints is manifested in the handbook, with sections of various lengths, level of detail, approach, and writing style. Sections in many ways reflect the opinions and voices of the authors, and this personal touch is accentuated with photographs, linked biographical sketches, and contact information for the authors. In addition to topical articles, this handbook includes an overview of the FE Advanced Turbine program. The overview includes the DOE Fossil Energy goals that are driving the program, the approach to these goals, and descriptions of the projects that are addressing these goals. The intent was to not only provide a source of information regarding the FE Advanced Turbine pro- gram, but to allow the readers to reference more detailed information on specific or related technologies and approaches being pursued in the program.

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Publication Information

Dr. Lance Smith, Dr. Hasan Karim, Dr. Shahrokh Etemad, Dr. William C. Pfefferle "Catalytic Combustion”, Section 3.2.2, and "Fuel-Rich Catalytic Combustion”, Section, U.S. Department of Energy, in The Gas Turbine Handbook, published by National Energy Technology Laboratory, DOE, Morgantown, WV, 2006.


Copyright 2006 U.S. Dept. of Energy-National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

A link to the full text of this publication on the DOE website has been provided.

The Gas Turbine Handbook
