Contribución a la Revolución

Contribución a la Revolución


Rafael Córdova Rivas.


Document Type



These is the life story of a revolutionary in the search of freedom and social change in Central America, during the historical fight of the Nicaraguan people against the Somoza Regime. Rafael Angel Cordova Rivas was born of a Nicaraguan lady , from a Honduras father, and he was born in Costa Rica , while his family was in exile. He never held a goverment post while the Somozas were in power , he lived all his life with his own means , and in very a-typical Latin American way , did not become rich while he was JUNTA MEMBER , for four years. He served in the JUNTA , with Daniel Ortega and Sergio Ramirez . Until the last times of his life , he always kept good terms with Daniel Ortega, his friend and collaborator.

Publication Date


Publication Information

Córdova Rivas, Rafael, Contribución a la Revolución. Managua, Nicaragua : [s.n.], 1983 (Managua, Nicaragua : Centro de Publicaciones de Avanzada)


Copyright: Centro de Publicaciones de Avanzada, 1983

Contribución a la Revolución
