Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy

Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy


Editors: B. Carlos Bazán, Eduardo Andújar, Léonard Sbrocchi

Contributing author: R. James Long



R. James Long is a contributing author, "Richard Fishacre's Treatise De libero arbitrio", 2: 879-891.

Publication Date


Publication Information

R. James Long (1995). "Richard Fishacre's Treatise De libero arbitrio," in Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (Ottawa, 17-22 August 1992), ed. B. Carlos Bazán, Eduardo Andújar, Léonard Sbrocchi (Ottawa: Legas, 1995), 2: 879-91.

Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy
