Buddhism: In Practice
Editor: Donald Lopez
Contributing author: Ronald M. Davidson
Ronald M. Davidson is a contributing author, "Atisa's A Lamp fo the Path to Awakening," and "Saramati's Entering into the Great Vehicle", pp. 290-301 and 402-411.
Book description: for 2007 abridged edition: This anthology, first published in 1995, illustrates the vast scope of Buddhist practice in Asia, past and present. Re-released now in a slimmer but still extensive edition, Buddhism in Practice presents a selection of thirty-five translated texts--each preceded by a substantial introduction by its translator. These unusual sources provides the reader with a sense of the remarkable diversity of the practices of persons who over the course of 2,500 years have been identified, by themselves or by others, as Buddhists. Demonstrating the many continuities among the practices of Buddhist cultures widely separated by both history and geography, Buddhism in Practice continues to provide an ideal introduction to Buddhism and a source of new insights for scholars.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Davidson, Ronald M., "Atisa's A Lamp fo the Path to Awakening," and "and "Saramati's Entering into the Great Vehicle," in Donald Lopez, ed. Buddhism: In Practice, pp. 290-301, 402-411. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. (2007 abridged edition).
Recommended Citation
Lopez, Donald and Davidson, Ronald M., "Buddhism: In Practice" (1995). Religious Studies Faculty Book Gallery. 62.
Copyright 1995 [2007] Princeton University Press