Theology in Service to the Church: Global and Ecumenical Perspectives
Editor: Allan Hugh Cole
Contributing Author: Paul F. Lakeland
Document Type
Paul Lakeland is a contributing author, "Knowing our Place(s): The Ecclesial Role(s) of the Theologian," pp. 59-71.
BOOK DESCRIPTION: As a global religion with growing numbers of expressions, Christianity calls for deepening relationships across traditions while also formulating collaborative visions. A thriving church will require Christians from various traditions and on varying trajectories to become familiar with one another, appreciate one another, and work in common service to God in Jesus Christ. In this book, a group of thirteen distinguished scholars from around the world and representing a range of Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant perspectives demonstrate how theological reflection and broad-based ecumenical conversations may serve the church. Reflecting on numerous salient matters facing the global church, these scholars model what may be accomplished in ecumenical conversations that recognize the gifts that come with unity across diversity among those who seek to be faithful to Jesus Christ. -- Publisher description
Publication Date
Publication Information
Lakeland, Paul. "Knowing our place(s): The Ecclesial Role(s) of the Theologian." IN Cole, Allan Hugh, ed. Theology in Service to the Church: Global and Ecumenical Perspectives. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2014. 59-71. Print.
Recommended Citation
Cole, Allan Hugh and Lakeland, Paul F., "Theology in Service to the Church: Global and Ecumenical Perspectives" (2014). Religious Studies Faculty Book Gallery. 70.
Copyright 2014 Cascade Books/Wipf and Stock Publishers