Fall 2006
The Deductibility of Education Expenses: Occupational Hazard?
Kathleen M. Weiden and Helen F. Tomasko
The Income Tax and The State of A Union In America
Cindy Lou Beale
Family Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies as Estate Planning Devices
Richard J. Kraus and Roy Girasa
The Pay Gap Tax Credit as A Remedy For Gender Pay Disparity
M. Colleen Goble, Sharlene A. McEvoy, and Catherine C. Giapponi
The Transfer of Nonqualified Deferred Compensation and Nonstatuory Stock Options: The Interaction ofthe Assignment oflncome Doctrine and Internal Revenue Code §1041?
Vincent R. Barrella
Using Good Stories to Teach The Legal Environment
Jessica Magaldi and Saul S. LeVine