Civil Society: Local and Regional Responses to Global Challenges
Editor: Mark Herkenrath
Contributing co-authors: Eric Mielants, Jeffrey Kentor
Document Type
Eric Mielants (with Jeffrey Kentor) is a contributing author, "Connecting the Global and Local: The Impact of Globalization on Civil Society: 1990-2000," p. 27-52.
Book description: While contributing to social inequality and environmental degradation, recent global transformations have also strengthened civil society groups opposing these trends. Yet, as they need to transform the existing social order from within, groups struggling for social justice face various strategic dilemmas. The articles in this volume examine these dilemmas and discuss possible solutions. Issues addressed include North-South disparities in what has been called "global civil society", and the precarious division of labor between local grassroots organizers and transnational coalition-builders.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Eric Mielants, Jeffrey Kentor. “Connecting the Global and Local: The Impact of Globalization on Civil Society: 1990-2000”, in Mark Herkenrath (ed.) Civil Society: Local and Regional Responses to Global Challenges, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2007, p. 27-52.
Recommended Citation
Herkenrath, Mark; Mielants, Eric; and Kentor, Jeffrey, "Civil Society: Local and Regional Responses to Global Challenges" (2007). Sociology & Anthropology Faculty Book and Media Gallery. 34.
Copyright 2007 LIT Verlag.