"Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, 1890-1918" by Robert H. MacDonald; and "Empire and the English Character" by Kathryn Tidrick
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Winter 1995
Publication Title
Victorian Studies
Repository Citation
von Arx, Jeffrey P. S.J., ""Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, 1890-1918" by Robert H. MacDonald; and "Empire and the English Character" by Kathryn Tidrick" (1995). History Faculty Publications. 29.
Published Citation
von Arx S.J., Jeffrey P. "Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, 1890-1918" by Robert H. MacDonald; and "Empire and the English Character" by Kathryn Tidrick Victorian Studies , Vol. 38, No. 2 (Winter, 1995), pp. 301-303.
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 1995 Indiana University Press, Victorian Studies
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