Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf and Onto the Web
Editor - Karen R. Diaz
Contributing author - Brent Mai
Brent Mai is a contributing author, “Internet Resources for Reference: Finance and Investment”, "Internet Resources for Reference: General Business and Company Information", and "Internet Resources for Reference: International Trade”
Book description: Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf and Onto the Web gives you a core list of online resources that will save those who visit your library considerable time. Its menu of current reference sites will help you wade through the mire of irrelevant, unreliable material and zero in on the cyberinfo that will more economically and accurately satisfy your users’needs.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Mai, Brent Alan. “Internet Resources for Reference: Finance and Investment”, "Internet Resources for Reference: General Business and Company Information", and "Internet Resources for Reference: International Trade”, IN Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf and Onto the Web by Diaz, Karen R., ed. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1997. 9780789003584
Recommended Citation
Diaz, Karen R. and Mai, Brent A., "Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf and Onto the Web" (1997). DiMenna-Nyselius Library Book Gallery. 9.
Copyright 1997 Haworth Press