A Faustian bargain : U.S. intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era
William I. Robinson with afterwords by Alejandro Bendana and Robert A. Pastor.
Document Type
As an analysis of the controversial US role in the 1990 Nicaraguan elections, this book exposes the duplicitous and possibly illegal intervention of the US in the electoral process of a sovereign nation. Drawing on secret documents and interviews, the author brings to light the clandestine activities of US officials and examines the implications of the "electoral intervention project" for US foreign policy and for social change in the Third World in the post-Cold War era.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Robinson, William I., A Faustian bargain: U.S. intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Boulder : Westview Press, c1992.
Copyright: Westview Press, c1992.
Recommended Citation
Robinson, William I.; Bendana, Alejandro; and Pastor, Robert A., "A Faustian bargain : U.S. intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era" (1992). Walter J. Petry Book Gallery. 32.