Ráfaga : the life story of a Nicaraguan Miskito Comandante
By Reynaldo Reyes and J.K. Wilson edited by Tod Sloan.
Document Type
Rafaga is the nom de guerre of Reynaldo Reyes Davis, a Nicaraguan Miskito Indian. This work chronicles his life and his role in the war for the rights of Miskitos in Nicaragua. He recounts his childhood and the struggle for basic education that led him, still a teen, to a Church of God seminary. He served briefly as a minister in a Miskito community. By the time he was in his early twenties, however, Rafaga had become part of the Sandinista revolution. Then, angered by the Sandinista atrocities against the Miskitos and other Nicaraguan indigenous groups, he joined the Contras as a field commander. Eventually disillusioned by the Contra leadership, he began to work for peace and Miskito autonomy. His book presents a very personal and certainly controversial view of the complexities of Nicaragua's recent history.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Reyes, Reynaldo, Ráfaga : the life story of a Nicaraguan Miskito Comandante. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c1992.
Copyright: University of Oklahoma Press, c1992.
Recommended Citation
Reyes, Reynaldo; Wilson, J.K.; and Sloan, Tod, "Ráfaga : the life story of a Nicaraguan Miskito Comandante" (1992). Walter J. Petry Book Gallery. 142.