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Dr. Michael Horan discusses his interest in “the foundations for ministry” in the Catholic Church. He speaks about the current issue of women in the church and how he finds that and other issues could evolve as time passes. Specifically, he mentions how young people in the church can have an impact on current issues, citing facts about how many students at Catholic universities are interested in being involved with ministry.
Recommended Citation
Horan, Michael and Benney, Alfred. Created by Alfred Benney. "Dr. Michael Horan Engages with the Question: What Is Most Important to You as a Scholar?" February 1999. DigitalCommons@Fairfield. Web. https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/asrvideos/340
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Playing Time: 5:39 minutes
About the Interviewee:
Dr. Michael Horan received both his Masters and Doctorate in Religion and Religious Education from the Catholic University of America. He is a Professor of Religious Education and Pastoral Theology and Graduate Program Director at Loyola Marymount University. He is interested in the preparation of lay ministers for leadership in the Catholic Church. Michael Horan is an author of two works on the General Directory for Catechesis, numerous articles and essays. A national speaker on topics in religious education and youth ministry, Dr. Horan is a contributing author of Blest Are We, the parish and school religious education series published by Silver Burdett Ginn.
About the Interviewer:
Dr. Alfred Benney is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Fairfield University. He has a Ph.D in Theology from the Hartford Seminary Foundation and taught courses in Non-Traditional American Religions and Christian Religious Thought. His research interests include “how people learn”; “the appropriate use of technology in teaching/learning”; and “myth as explanatory narrative”. He has published work on teaching with technology.