American Scholars of Religion Video Collection | Fairfield University Research | DigitalCommons@Fairfield
American Scholars of Religion Video Collection

American Scholars of Religion Video Collection

The American Scholars of Religion Project, begun in 1998, is a video oral history; it is a collection of short commentaries or vignettes that preserve and illustrate the thinking and scholarly personality of a diverse sample of American scholars of religion. In these video clips we can watch a scholar at work and come to understand that scholarship is often the struggle to understand the question rather than posit an often simplistic answer. The collection represents a wide range of scholarship in America on the topic of religion at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

This video project is ongoing; completed videos will be added regularly and new videos continue to be created.

This video project was conceived, created and produced by Dr. Alfred Benney. Dr. Benney is a Professor of Religious Studies at Fairfield University. He has a Ph.D in Theology from the Hartford Seminary Foundation and teaches courses in Non-Traditional American Religions and Christian Religious Thought. For more information about this video project, contact Dr. Benney at


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