Limited Proteolysis in Microorganisms
Editor: Georges N. Cohen and Helmut Holzer
Contributing author: Phyllis C. Braun and R.A. Calderone
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Book Contribution
Phyllis Braun (with R.A. Calderone) is a contributing author, "Proteolytic regulation of chitin synthetase in hyphal and yeast forms of Candida albicans", pp. 135-138.
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Publication Information
Braun, P.C., and R.A. Calderone. l978. Proteolytic regulation of chitin synthetase in hyphal and yeast forms of Candida albicans. In Limited Proteolysis in Microorganisms. Holzer, H., Cohen, G.N (eds.) pp. l35-l38
Recommended Citation
Cohen, Georges N.; Holzer, Helmut; and Braun, Phyllis C., "Limited Proteolysis in Microorganisms" (1978). Biology Faculty Book Gallery. 10.
Copyright U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, (1978)
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