"Handbook of Eggs in Human Function, Human Health Handbooks, Vol. 9" by R. R. Watson, F. DeMeester et al.
Handbook of Eggs in Human Function, Human Health Handbooks, Vol. 9

Handbook of Eggs in Human Function, Human Health Handbooks, Vol. 9


Co-Editors: Ronald Ross Watson, Fabien DeMeester

Contributing authors: Maria Luz Fernandez, Catherine J. Andersen


Document Type



Catherine J. Andersen is a contributing author, "The Good Egg, the Forgotten Benefits," 15-34.

Eggs have been used as key part of the human diet for millennia. They contain a great variety of nutrients and material to sustain life and growth. The role of the egg as natural source of vitamins, proteins, fats, and other nutrients, continues to develop. Some nutrients have a controversy in benefits and risks. This controversy is the subject of several chapters in this book. Eggs have been used for decades by pharmaceutical companies as vehicles to grow viruses for vaccines. Currently, eggs are being developed to make antibodies for human use, so-called designer eggs. Eggs can also be used as vehicle to transport vitamins and minerals to humans via nutrient supplemented laying hens. These benefits are subject to commercial expansion, as well as being an active research area. This book, with summary points for each chapter, helps you to understand the role of eggs (including designer eggs) in general nutrition, health promotion and disease. It is aimed at health scientists, nutritionists, dieticians, and food industry groups.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Fernandez, Maria Luz and Andersen, Catherine J. "The Good Egg, the Forgotten Benefits." In Handbook of Eggs in Human Function, Human Health Handbooks, Vol. 9 Edited by Watson, Ronald Ross and De Meester, Fabien, (15-34). Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2015.


Copyright 2015 Wageningen Academic Publisher

Handbook of Eggs in Human Function, Human Health Handbooks, Vol. 9
