This collection features books and book contributions by the Charles F. Dolan School of Business faculty members.
Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships, Third Edition
Debra M. Strauss
Author Debra M. Strauss, J.D. explains all aspects of clerkships in this newly revised edition. The book provides updated information and resources as your go-to source on judicial clerkships, focusing on what clerkships are, what kind of work clerks do, why you should apply, how to find and apply for the type of clerkship that would be right for you, how to give a strong interview, and why clerkships give you stellar credentials that prospective employers will actively seek out.
Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships, Third Edition is filled with nuts and bolts advice on all elements of the application process, including building a successful application, interviewing, etiquette of offers and acceptances, and special strategies designed to help you in your quest for the perfect clerkship. To further lay the groundwork for a positive experience, this title also features an exclusive section on how to prepare for your clerkship. The third edition adds current developments such as remote interviews and the virtual clerkship experience; recent data on women and minorities in clerkships; new Supreme Court feeder judges along with statistical analysis on the trends; and extra resources for further reading. As an entrée into the world of the courts, this is an indispensable handbook for every law student, lawyer, judge, and potential judicial clerk!
A must-have resource for colleges, law schools, courthouses, and legal organizations!
Economic Cycles and Social Movements: Past, Present and Future
Eric Mielants and Katsiaryna Salavei Bardos
Economic Cycles and Social Movements: Past, Present and Future offers diverse perspectives on the complex interrelationship between social challenges and economic crises in the Modern World System. Written with a balance of quantitative, qualitative and theoretical contributions and insights, this volume provides a great opportunity to reflect upon the ongoing conceptual and empirical challenges when confronting the complex interrelations of various economic cycles and social movements. By engaging wide-ranging ideas and theoretical points of view from different disciplines, different countries and different perspectives, this study breaks new ground and offers novel insights into the way the capitalist world economy functions as well as the way social and political movements react to these constraints. Different chapters in this volume bring about novel interdisciplinary approaches to study business cycles, economic changes and social as well as political movements, offer new interpretations and, while examining the complexity of socioeconomic cycles in the long run, present epistemological challenges and a wide variety of empirical data that will increase our understanding of these complex interactions.
Ethical Tensions from New Technology: The Case of Agricultural Biotechnology
H. S. James Jr. and Debra M. Strauss
Debra Strauss is a contributing author, “Genetically Modified Organisms in Food: Ethical Tensions and the Labeling Initiative”, Chapter 6:pp. 83-96.
Book description: The introduction of new technologies can be controversial, especially when they create ethical tensions as well as winners and losers among stakeholders and interest groups. While ethical tensions resulting from the genetic modification of crops and plants and their supportive gene technologies have been apparent for decades, persistent challenges remain. This book explores the contemporary nature, type, extent and implications of ethical tensions resulting from agricultural biotechnology specifically and technology generally. There are four main arenas of ethical tensions: public opinion, policy and regulation, technology as solutions to problems, and older versus new technologies. Contributions focus on one or more of these arenas by identifying the ethical tensions technology creates and articulating emerging fault lines and, where possible, viable solutions. Key features include: Focusing on contemporary challenges created by new and emerging technologies, especially agricultural biotechnology; Identifying a unique perspective by considering the problem of ethical tensions created or enhanced by new technologies; Providing an interdisciplinary perspective by including perspectives from sociologists, economists, philosophers and other social scientists.
Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships, 2nd edition
Debra M. Strauss
Author Debra M. Strauss, J.D. explains all aspects of clerkships in this newly revised edition. The book includes updated information and resources as your go-to source on judicial clerkships, focusing on what clerkships are, what kind of work clerks do, why you should apply, how to find and apply for the type of clerkship that would be right for you, how to give a strong interview, and why clerkships give you stellar credentials that prospective employers will actively seek out.
Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial Clerkships is filled with nuts and bolts advice on all elements of the application process, including building a successful application, interviewing, etiquette of offers and acceptances, and special strategies designed to help you in your quest for the perfect clerkship. To further lay the groundwork for a positive experience, this title also features a special section on how to prepare for your clerkship, as well as the code of conduct for law clerks. As an entrée into the world of the courts, this is an indispensable handbook for every law student and potential judicial clerk! --Publisher description
Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support: Role of Business Intelligence and Social Media (Volume 18 of the series Annals of Information Systems)
Lakshmi S. Iyer, Daniel J. Power, Sagnika Sen, Jie Tao, and Amit V. Deokar
Jie Tao (with Sagnika Sen amd Amit V. Deokar) is a contributing author, "On the Role of Ontologies in Information Extraction", pp. 115-133.
Book description: This volume explores emerging research and pedagogy in analytics, collaboration, and decision support with an emphasis on business intelligence and social media. In general, the chapters help understand where technology involvement in human decisions is headed. Reading the chapters can help understand the opportunities and threats associated with the use of information technology in decision making. Computing and information technologies are reshaping our global society, but they can potentially reshape it in negative as well as positive ways. Analytics, collaboration and computerized decision support are powerful decision aiding and decision making tools that have enormous potential to impact crisis decision making, regulation of financial systems, healthcare decision making and many more important decision domains. Many information technologies can potentially support, assist and even decide for human decision makers. Despite the potential, some researchers think that we know the answers to how these technologies will change society. The "Wisdom of Crowds" or "Big Data" become the topic of the day and are soon replaced with new marketing terms. In many ways, mobile technology is just another form factor to adapt decision support capabilities too and experiment with new capabilities. The cloud is a nebulous metaphor that adds to the mystery of information technology. Wireless technology enables the ubiquitous presence of analytics and decision support. With new networking capabilities, collaboration is possible anywhere and everywhere using voice, video and text. Documents can be widely shared and massive numbers of documents can be carried on a small tablet computer. Recent developments in technologies impact the processes organizations use to make decisions. In addition, academics are looking for ways to enhance their pedagogy to train students to be more adept in understanding how emerging technology will be used effectively for decision making in organizations. The chapters are based on papers originally reviewed at the Special Interest Group on Decision Support Systems (SIGDSS) Workshop at the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013). Ultimately this volume endeavors to find a balance between systematizing what we know, so we can teach our findings from prior research better, and stimulating excitement to move the field in new directions.
Socio-economic Considerations in Biotechnology Regulation
Karinne Ludlow, Stuart J. Smyth, Jose Falck-Zepeda, and Debra M. Strauss
Debra Strauss is a contributing author, "Food Security and Safety", pp. 109-123
Book Description: Times have changed since the days of royal tasters. As our concerns extend to the rest of the kingdom and beyond national borders, we face the critical need to develop increasingly complex policies to ensure the safety of the mainstream food supply. Incidents involving food contamination, particularly salmonella and E. coli in eggs, peanuts, and produce have been numerous and widespread. Tainted foods have caused illnesses and deaths that perhaps could have been prevented by more rigorous and proactive policies. Recognition has emerged that consumers need greater protection before these outbreaks occur, through more stringent requirements and better enforcement of food safety standards, including inspections. Moreover, traceability and recall mechanisms are necessary to resolve the problems that do arise. Food safety is important for all foods, regardless of the process to produce them. These concerns are heightened in the area of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), where scientific uncertainty compounds the issues in the effort to determine and evaluate the risks of harm to human health and the environment as essential elements in developing food safety regulation.
Market Microstructure in Emerging and Developed Markets
H. Kent Baker, Halil Kiymaz, Nazli Sila Alan, Recep Bildik, and Robert A. Schwartz
Nazli Sila Alan, with R. Bildik and R. Schwartz, is a contributing author, "Microstructure of Equity Markets," 17-38.
Book Description: Interest in market microstructure has grown dramatically in recent years due largely in part to the rapid transformation of the financial market environment by technology, regulation, and globalization. Looking at market transactions at the most granular level—and taking into account market structure, price discovery, information flows, transaction costs, and the trading process—market microstructure also forms the basis of high-frequency trading strategies that can help professional investors generate profits and/or execute optimal transactions. Part of the Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, Market Microstructure skillfully puts this discipline in perspective and examines how the working processes of markets impact transaction costs, prices, quotes, volume, and trading behavior. Along the way, it offers valuable insights on how specific features of the trading process like the existence of intermediaries or the environment in which trading takes place affect the price formation process.
Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations
Nora P. Reilly, M. Joseph Sirgy, C. Allen Gorman, Donald E. Gibson, and K. McCann
Donald Gibson (with K. McCann) is a contributing author, “Blame and Credit Attributions and Quality of Work Life: The Effect of Organizational Structure and Culture”, pp. 307-324.
Book description: Employees have personal responsibilities as well as responsibilities to their employers. They also have rights. In order to maintain their well-being, employees need opportunities to resolve conflicting obligations. Employees are often torn between the ethical obligations to fulfill both their work and non-work roles, to respect and be respected by their employers and coworkers, to be responsible to the organization while the organization is reciprocally responsible to them, to be afforded some degree of autonomy at work while attending to collaborative goals, to work within a climate of mutual employee-management trust, and to voice opinions about work policies, processes and conditions without fear of retribution. Humanistic organizations can recognize conflicts created by the work environment and provide opportunities to resolve or minimize them. This handbook empirically documents the dilemmas that result from responsibility-based conflicts. The book is organized by sources of dilemmas that fall into three major categories: individual, organizational (internal policies and procedures), and cultural (social forces external to the organization), including an introduction and a final integration of the many ways in which organizations can contribute to positive employee health and well-being. -- Publisher description.
Accounting for Contingencies
Dawn W. Massey, Cheri Mazza, Allen Schiff, Jonathan Schiff, and Joan Lee (Van Hise)
Accounting for Contingencies examines accounting for contingencies under both U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This Portfolio also distinguishes contingencies from other similar items not properly accounted for as contingencies. Its subject matter commands widespread interest given the litigious nature of the business world and the need for entities to disclose significant risks to their future operations, cash flows, and net worth. Accounting for Contingencies includes reporting of potential losses from litigation in process, environmental damage, and expenses related to uncollectible accounts receivable and product warranty costs. The primary source accounting rules for contingencies under U.S. GAAP is FASB Statement No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies (FAS 5), which is principally codified in FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 450 (ASC). Its principal international counterpart is IASC International Accounting Standard 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets (IAS 37). Guarantees made by guarantors are special types of contingencies subject to their own set of rules in addition to those provided in the codified rules from FAS 5.
Neuroeconomics and the firm
Angela A. Stanton, Mellani J. Day, Isabell W. Welpe, J. McCarthy, Carl Scheraga, and Donald E. Gibson
Donald Gibson and Carl Scheraga (with J. McCarthy) are contributing authors, “Culture, Cognition and Conflict: How Neuroscience can Help to Explain Cultural Differences in Negotiation and Conflict Management.”, pp. 263-288.
The impact of 9/11 on business and economics : the business of terror : the day that changed everything?
Mousumi Bhattacharya and Lisa A. Mainiero
Mousumi Bhattacharya and Lisa Mainiero are contributing authors, "What Have We Learned From 9-11? The Importance of Human Resource Crisis Planning".
Book description: The Impact of 9-11 on Business and Economics is the second volume of the six-volume series The Day that Changed Everything? edited by Matthew J. Morgan. The series brings together from a broad spectrum of disciplines the leading thinkers of our time to reflect on one of the most significant events of our time. The volume reflects on the changes in organizational practices, changes to various industries from transportation and logistics, risk management, food, and the emerging war service industry, and changes to the international financial system.
Encyclopedia of Human Resources: Challenges to e-HRM
T. Torres, M. Arrias, Sherry Sullivan, and Lisa A. Mainiero
Lisa Mainiero is a contibuting author, "Kaleidoscope Careers and Evolving HRM Issues", p. 1-8. Book description: Driven by significant internal and external forces, human resource management (HRM) has evolved from largely a maintenance function, to what many scholars and practitioners regard as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations. In the information era, it is important for organizations to progressively incorporate technology into their processes. The Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM rigorously analyzes key critical HR variables and defines previously undiscovered issues in the HR field. With 132 articles from 180 of the world's leading experts on the state of HRM technology, this comprehensive reference source is essential to academic libraries and to practitioners and academics seeking to understand all dimensions related to managing people in the information society. - Publisher description
Research Companion to Emotion in Organizations
Neal M. Ashkanasy, Cary L. Cooper, and Donald E. Gibson
Donald Gibson is a contributing author, “Emotion Scripts in Organizations: A Multi-Level Model,” , pp. 263-283.
The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management
John Storey, Patrick M. Wright, David Ulrich, and Mousumi Bhattacharya
Mousumi Bhattacharya (with P.M. Wright) is a contributing author, "Options for Human Capital Acquisition".
Book description: Combining up-to-date research, innovative content and practical perspectives, this book is the benchmark by which all other strategic HRM reference works should be measured. Leading figures from around the globe survey the current state of the discipline, while also introducing and exploring new, cutting edge themes in order to offer a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the field.
Section introductions and integrative critiques pull together the separate themes to provide cross-comparisons between chapters to create a cohesive and well-structured volume. Unlike other texts in this area, The Routledge Companion to Strategic Human Resource Management incorporates contributions from leading management and business writers in areas adjacent to human resource management, including strategy, innovation and organizational learning. These add fresh and challenging insights into HRM themes from key mainstream business and management thinking. The field of strategic HRM is thus enriched and extended by this volume.
Focusing on the interplay between theory and practice, this book is an essential resource for researchers and students studying human resource management and strategy. . -- Publisher description
Exploring the work and non-work interface
Pamela Perrewe, Sherry E. Sullivan, and Lisa A. Mainiero
Lisa Mainiero is a contributing author, “Women’s Kaleidoscope Careers: A New Framework for Examining Women’s Stress Across the Lifespan.”
Book description: This is an annual research series devoted to the examination of occupational stress, health and well being, with particular emphasis on the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational stress. Titles pull together the various streams of research from a variety of disciplines to better capture the significant bodies of work in occupational stress and well being. A multidisciplinary and international perspective is provided to give a thorough and critical assessment of issues in occupational stress and well being. The theme for this volume is: exploring the work and non-work interface which discusses, amongst others, social anxiety, the importance of coping, working with family, women in the workplace and work addiction.
Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior
Arjun Chaudhuri
Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior provides new insights into the effects that emotion and rational thought have on marketing outcomes. It uses sound academic research at a level students and professionals can understand. – Publisher description.
Encyclopedia of Career Development
Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Gerard A. Callanan, and Donald E. Gibson
Donald Gibson is a contributing author, "Role Models".
Book description: With more than 400 articles, the Encyclopedia of Career Development is the premier reference tool for research on career-related topics. Covering a broad range of themes, the contributions represent original material written by internationally-renowned scholars that view career development from a number of different dimensions. This multidisciplinary resource examines career-related issues from psychological, sociological, educational, counseling, organizational behavior, and human resource management perspectives. -- Publisher description.
The Opt-Out Revolt: Why People Are Leaving Corporations to Create Kaleidoscope Careers
Lisa A. Mainiero and Sherry E. Sullivan
As never before, workers are searching for a life that is richer, more balanced, authentic and challenging. And when they find that their needs can't be met in the traditional workplace, they are taking control and walking away. The Opt-Out Revolt delivers the facts behind this growing phenomenon: how the universal need for authenticity, balance and challenge drives career and life decisions for women and men alike; the critical role gender plays in the patterns of today's careerists; what choices women are making and why; how men's priorities differ from women's and how they affect their career paths; and what the best organizations are doing to stem the flow of talent heading out the door. With research data from the authors' five-year study of more than 3,000 professional women and men, and copublished with WorldatWork©/Alliance for Work-Life Progress, this one-of-a-kind look at today's workplace profiles hundreds of modern-day trailblazers who have created Kaleidoscope Careers_defined by personal needs, life values and a new 21st-century definition of success_inside and out of traditional corporate boundaries. Featuring dozens of examples from leading companies that have achieved remarkable success in turning around this threatening "brain drain" trend, this timely book offers a blueprint for designing a workplace that encourages loyalty, retains talent and, ultimately, improves the health and competitiveness of the organization. -- Publisher description.
Gender and Careers in the 21st Century
R. Burke, M. Mattis, and Lisa A. Mainiero
Lisa Mainiero is a contributing author, "The Ethics of Office Romance".
Publisher book description unavailable.
Governance: An International Perspective
Diane K. Denis, John J. McConnell, Cheol Eun, Richard Kolodny, and Carl A. Scheraga
Carl Scheraga, with Cheol Eun and Richard Kolodny, are contributing authors, "Cross-Border Acquisitions and Shareholder Wealth: Tests of the Synergy and Internalization Hypotheses".
Book description: The volumes bring together articles that describe, analyse and empirically explore the range of mechanisms that influence company managers and decision makers to maximise the value of a company to its owners. The selection includes studies based on companies throughout the world, allowing comparisons of corporate governance systems between countries.
The Heart of a Business Ethic: The Hansen-Wessner Memorial Lecture Series
Donald E. Holt and Donald E. Gibson
Donald Gibson is a contributing author, The Nature of the Exercise of Authority: Response.”, pp, 166-169.
Book description: Over the past several years a cascade of corporate scandals have erupted. Savings and provisions for retirement have shrunk drastically. Jobs have been lost. One of the world's largest and best-known accounting firms is gone. Ordinary people have been hurt and they have lost confidence in business leaders. The on-going public debate over business ethics and corporate reform points to one common conclusion: Things cannot be corrected by simply adding more laws and new rules. The solution will come from high moral leadership. The Heart of A Business Ethic is based on the Hansen-Wessner Lectureship Series established by the ServiceMaster Foundation to consider the source of moral authority and ethical behavior in business. The eight lectures in this series were presented at major universities in the U.S. and Britain, and brought together some of the most distinguished business experts of our time. What they have to say is important for business teachers and students, and business leaders at every level. The scandals at Enron, Tyco and others have generated many books on business ethics, but none offer the expertise or breadth of thinking that this volume does. The Heart of A Business Ethic is useful to professors, students, and practitioners who not only want to understand what has happened, but who also want to think through the basis for a new standard of morality in business. -- Publisher description.
Next Generation Business Handbook: New Strategies from Tomorrow’s Thought Leaders
Subir Chowdhury and Donald E. Gibson
Donald Gibson is a contributing author, Returning Human to HR Management.”, pp. 887-902.
Book description: Next Generation Business Handbook offers strategies for the next generation of business success from the best business schools around the world. Presents fresh ideas from the young, up-and-coming business thinkers and experts from the world's best business schools. Coverage of topics like career imprinting and operating in a virtual workspace that are receiving increased attention in organizations. Organized around Chowdhury's "next generation business model." - Publisher description.
Institutional Investor’s Guide to Small Cap Investing
Institutional Investor Inc., Carl A. Scheraga, and John A. Haslem
Carl Scheraga, with John A. Haslem, is a contributing author, “An Analysis of Morningstar’s Small Cap Mutual Funds".
Book description: Small-cap has become on of the hottest asset classes with consultants and pension plans over the past few years. Ever since the ground-breaking work of Banz and Reinganum, small-cap stocks have been treated as a different asset class. Research in this guide will look at different small-capitalization style managers relative to a core manager. We hope this guide will provide new insights into small-capitalization stocks that are useful to pension sponsors, consultants and money managers.
Managing Emotions in the Workplace
Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E.J. Hartel, Donald E. Gibson, and S. Schroeder
Donald Gibson (with S. Schroeder) is a contributing author, “Grinning, Frowning, and Emotionless: Agent Perceptions of Power and their Effect on Felt and Displayed Emotions in Influence Attempts.”, pp. 184-211.
Managing Anger in the Workplace
Donald E. Gibson and Bruce Tulgan
In any organization, we must contend with competitors and unpredictable markets. There is bound to be conflict and therefore, conflict management is essential. Relationships at work tend to be interdependent, competitive, hierarchical, overexposed, and compulsory. Keeping the interests of yourself, your boss, your peers, your subordinates, your vendors, and your customers in alignment all the time is impossible. Learning the proper conflict management techniques are essential. Thus, for most people, work involves a constant juggling of-and wrestling with-competing interests. Whether the stakes are pecuniary, psychological, or both, they are always on the line in every interaction at work. While the workplace is an environment more likely to provoke feelings of anger, the consequences of poorly managed anger in the workplace may be much greater than in other contexts. At the same time, if managed effectively, anger can be a positive and productive emotion producing valuable data, as well as considerable motivation. Managing Anger in the Workplace will help you understand the costs and benefits of anger in the workplace; diagnose anger and common anger syndromes; use the underlying causes of anger as data to continually improve relationship, systems, practices, and policies; and manage anger in yourself, in others, and in your team. -- Publisher description.