Engaging Students in Peer Review


DSB, Room 105

Start Date

29-5-2013 3:15 PM

End Date

29-5-2013 4:30 PM

Session Type

Interactive Session


Asking students to evaluate their peers can instill expectations and provide for more meaningful participation by students, especially in the context of oral presentations. It is even better if students help define the criteria of evaluation (create a rubric). This session will first engage the audience in the development of an oral presentation rubric and then ask the audience to apply that rubric to the remainder of the presentation.

Topic Designation

Assessment, Teaching & Learning, Technology

Presenter Bio(s)

Curt Naser, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, Fairfield University; 203-254-4000 x2851

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May 29th, 3:15 PM May 29th, 4:30 PM

Engaging Students in Peer Review

DSB, Room 105

Asking students to evaluate their peers can instill expectations and provide for more meaningful participation by students, especially in the context of oral presentations. It is even better if students help define the criteria of evaluation (create a rubric). This session will first engage the audience in the development of an oral presentation rubric and then ask the audience to apply that rubric to the remainder of the presentation.