The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication

The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication


Editors: Tony Docan-Morgan

Co-contributors: Sean Horan and Melanie Booth-Butterfield


Document Type

Book Contribution


Sean Horan is a contributing author (with Melanie Booth-Butterfield), "Angry Hugs and Withheld Love: An Overview of Deceptive Affection," Chapter 28, pp. 535-550.

Deception and truth-telling weave through the fabric of nearly all human interactions and every communication context. The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication unravels the topic of lying and deception in human communication, offering an interdisciplinary and comprehensive examination of the field, presenting original research, and offering direction for future investigation and application. Highly prominent and emerging deception scholars from around the world investigate the myriad forms of deceptive behavior, cross-cultural perspectives on deceit, moral dimensions of deceptive communication, theoretical approaches to the study of deception, and strategies for detecting and deterring deceit. Truth-telling, lies, and the many grey areas in-between are explored in the contexts of identity formation, interpersonal relationships, groups and organizations, social and mass media, marketing, advertising, law enforcement interrogations, court, politics, and propaganda. This handbook is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, academics, researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in the pervasive nature of truth, deception, and ethics in the modern world.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Horan, S. M. & Booth-Butterfield, M. (2019). Angry hugs and withheld love: An overview of deceptive affection. In T. Docan-Morgan (Ed.), Palgrave handbook of deceptive communication (pp. 535-550). Farmington Hills, MI: Palgrave Macmillan.


Copyright 2019 Palgrave Macmillan

The Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication
