Teacher clarity: Effects on classroom communication apprehension, student motivation, and learning in Chinese college classrooms
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Teacher clarity is central to overall teaching effectiveness and student learning. The purpose of this study is to extend the line of research on teacher clarity from U. S. classrooms to Chinese classrooms. Specifically, it investigates the effects of teacher clarity on classroom communication apprehension, student motivation, and affective and cognitive learning in Chinese college classrooms. Pearson correlation suggests that teacher clarity is associated negatively with classroom communication apprehension, but positively with student motivation to learn and affective and cognitive learning in Chinese classrooms.
Publication Title
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
Repository Citation
Zhang, Qin and Zhang, Jibiao, "Teacher clarity: Effects on classroom communication apprehension, student motivation, and learning in Chinese college classrooms" (2005). Communication Faculty Publications. 32.
Published Citation
Zhang, Qin & Zhang, Jibiao (2005). "Teacher clarity: Effects on classroom communication apprehension, student motivation, and learning in Chinese college classrooms." Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 34, 255-266.
Copyright 2005 Taylor and Francis
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