A descriptive analysis of nursing student communication behaviors
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This article describes a pilot study to examine communication behaviors in nursing simulations. The nursing and communication faculty researchers used an interdisciplinary descriptive approach to examine 55 student nurses in 19 video recordings of patient simulations. The results demonstrated that using an interdisciplinary process can lead to a more diverse and thorough assessment of communication skills. This study supports the need for psychometrically sound evaluation tools for the measurement of communication behaviors of nursing students during simulation scenarios.
Publication Title
Clinical Simulation in Nursing
Repository Citation
O'Shea, Eileen R.; Pagano, Michael P.; Campbell, Suzanne H.; and Caso, Gregory, "A descriptive analysis of nursing student communication behaviors" (2011). Communication Faculty Publications. 44.
Published Citation
O'Shea, Eileen R., Michael Pagano, Suzanne H. Campbell, and Gregory Caso. "A descriptive analysis of nursing student communication behaviors." Clinical Simulation in Nursing 9, no. 1 (2011): e5-e8.
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