Cuban Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph Number 1. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors.

Cuban Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph Number 1. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors.


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Information is provided in this monograph to facilitate understanding of Cuban cultural values and their implications for counseling limited English proficient students. Also provided is a beginning conceptual model for increasing the understanding of cross-cultural theory and practice. The overview of Cuban culture is based on a perspective of value orientations which emphasizes the evolving nature of cultures. The titles of the report's 13 chapters and some of their sub-themes are as follows: (1) Introduction to the Cultural Monograph Series and to Cultural Value Orientations; (2) The Conceptualization of Value Orientations: Axiological Definitions; (3) A Case Study for Cross-Cultural Counseling; (4) Cuban Value Orientations (Pre-revolutionary Cuban Value Orientations; Post-revolutionary Cuban Value Orientations; Santeria); (5) Factors Affecting Cross-Cultural Counseling (Language; Social Group of the Client); (6) Areas of Conflict Between Cuban and American Values (Acculturation; Assessing Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Adaptation; Assessing Adaptation of Cultural Values); (7) Cross-Cultural Activity; (8) Values Affecting Cross-Cultural Counseling (Anglo/Cuban Relationships; Conflict); (9) Possible Conflicts Between Counselor and Client; (10) Emerging Skills and Roles of the Counselor; (11) Mental Health; (12) Counseling Strategies and Techniques; and (13) Conclusions. Two appendices consist of a general outline of United States Value Orientations and an essay, "Mirror Images of Conflict," by Sandra Fradd. (KH) Descriptors: Counseling, Counselor Client Relationship, Counselor Role, Cross Cultural Training, Cubans, Cultural Differences, Culture Conflict, Hispanic Americans, Immigrants, Intercultural Communication, Mental Health, Refugees, Values

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Publication Information

Hallman, C. L., Campbell, A. E. (1983). Cuban Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph Number 1. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors. Florida Univ., Gainesville. Coll. of Education.


Sponsor: Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (ED), Washington, DC. Authoring Institution: Florida Univ., Gainesville. Coll. of Education.

Cuban Value Orientations. Cultural Monograph Number 1. Bilingual Multicultural Education Training Project for School Psychologists and Guidance Counselors.
