How teachers and parents view classroom learning environments: An exploratory study
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Describes a study that examined teacher's and parents' beliefs across several dimensions of the classroom learning environment, including assessment, knowledge, student role, and pedagogy. Discusses results that indicated parents held more traditional views than teachers, and considers implications for instructional designers, curriculum developers, and school reformers.
Publication Title
Journal of Research on Computing in Education
Repository Citation
Scott, Barry N. and Hannafin, Robert D., "How teachers and parents view classroom learning environments: An exploratory study" (2000). School of Education and Human Development Faculty Publications. 151.
Published Citation
Scott, B. N., & Hannafin, R. D. (2000). How teachers and parents view classroom learning environments: An exploratory study. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32(3), 401-416. doi:10.1080/08886504.2000.10782288.
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 2000 Taylor & Francis
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