Responding to Current Field Experience Challenges with the Virtualization of Number Talks

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2020


As mathematics teacher educators, we describe here the virtualization of a traditionally face-to-face, commonly used classroom practice as a response to the current COVID-19 health crisis and the accompanying shift to online field experiences. We report aspects of our “virtualization” of Number Talks, describing “Virtual Number Talks” and a Teacher Learning Cycle specific to taking up this practice in the context of mathematics teacher education courses. We deliberately chose Number Talks because of the potential to focus on student discourse and mathematical thinking (e.g., Parrish, 2011) and widespread use in PreK-12 schools (Matney, Lustgarten, & Nicholson, 2020).


Copyright 2020 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

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Publication Title

AMTE Connections

Published Citation

Joswick, C., Meador, A., Fletcher, N., Connor, K., & McMillan, B. (2020). Responding to current field experience challenges with the virtualization of Number Talks. AMTE Connections, 30(2).

Peer Reviewed
