Research mentoring and women in clinical psychology

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The main question explored in this study is whether a woman's choice to do research during her career as a clinical psychologist is associated with having had a research mentor. A sample of 616 women, all members of the American Psychological Association holding a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, completed a survey about their experience with a research mentor. The data show that research mentoring is positively related to a woman in clinical psychology doing research and whether she, in turn, becomes a research mentor for others. The responses of the participants suggest that a model of mentoring that involves relevant training and practical experience in research may increase the likelihood that female clinical psychologists will choose to do research as part of their careers.


Copyright 2002 Sage, Psychology of Women Quarterly

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Publication Title

Psychology of Women Quarterly

Published Citation

Dohm, F. A., & Cummings, W. (2002). Research mentoring and women in clinical psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26(2), 163-167



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