Group work is not just for the group class anymore: Teaching generic group competency skills across the counselor education curriculum
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This article makes a case for teaching generic group competency skills (GCS) across the counselor education curriculum. After presenting their assumptions the authors will demonstrate the use of GCS in several counselor education courses and discuss teaching applications
Publication Title
Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Repository Citation
Killacky, Jim and Hulse, Diana, "Group work is not just for the group class anymore: Teaching generic group competency skills across the counselor education curriculum" (2004). School of Education and Human Development Faculty Publications. 62.
Published Citation
Killacky, Jim, & Hulse-Killacky, Diana (2004). Group work is not just for the group class anymore: Teaching generic group competency skills across the counselor education curriculum. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 29(1), 87-96
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 2004 Taylor and Francis
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