"Proceedings of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference" by Massimiliano Annoni, Irene Fassi et al.
Proceedings of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference

Proceedings of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference


Co-editors: Massimiliano Annoni, Irene Fassi, Gloria J. Wiens and Stefan Dimov

Contributing authors: Naser Haghbin, Farbod Ahmadzadeh, Jan. K. Spelt and Marcello Papini


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Naser Haghbin (with Farbod Ahmadzadeh, Jan. K. Spelt and Marcello Papini) is a contributing author "Micro-machining of channels using a high pressure abrasive slurry jet machine (HASJM)," pp. 459-462.

This volume is a compilation of 3 keynote lectures and 148 papers representing the scientific and technical advances in various aspects of advanced micro technologies with respect to a wide range of materials, and the development of new production platforms for micro systems-based products. It is the first time that the joint 4M/ICOMM Conference is held in Italy, following the previous editions, which took place in 2009 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and 2010 at University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA. This also constitutes the 10th ICOMM – International Conference on Micro Manufacturing and 11th 4M – Multi-Material Micro Manufacture Conference. The Conference is a major step forward in establishing the global community in micromanufacturing that is the aim of both 4M and ICOMM Associations.



Publication Date


Publication Information

N. Haghbin, F. Ahmadzadeh, J. K. Spelt, and M. Papini, “Micro-machining of channels using a high pressure abrasive slurry jet machine (HASJM),” Proceedings of The 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference on Micro manufacturing, Milan, Italy, pp. 459-462, 2015. doi: 10.3850/978-981-09-4609-8_110


Copyright © 2015 4M/ICOMM2015 Organisers. All rights reserved.

Proceedings of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference
