A Technique of Electromagnetic Interference Measurements with High-Impedance Electric and Low-Impedance Magnetic Fields Inside a TEM Cell
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cells are usually used to perform electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurements of equipment inside the cell in a plane wave-field environment. A newly developed technique of generating predominantly high-impedance electric or low-impedance magnetic fields inside a TEM cell for EMI measurements of relatively small printed circuit boards (PCBs), electronic devices, etc., is described. The technique simulates environments similar to the near-field EMI environment for intrasystem EMI/EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) studies. Variations of electric and magnetic fields, as well as impedances along the length of the cell, are given. The results indicate that a test region of reasonable size exists in the cell over which the field amplitudes are uniform within +or-1 dB.
Publication Title
IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Repository Citation
Das, S. K.; Venkatesan, V.; Sinha, B. K.; and Balaji, Uma, "A Technique of Electromagnetic Interference Measurements with High-Impedance Electric and Low-Impedance Magnetic Fields Inside a TEM Cell" (1990). Engineering Faculty Publications. 184.
Published Citation
Das, S. K., Venkatesan, V., Sinha, B. K., & Uma, G. (1990, August). A technique of electromagnetic interference measurements with high-impedance electric and low-impedance magnetic fields inside a TEM cell. In IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (pp. 367-369). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ISEMC.1990.252790.
Copyright 1990 IEEE
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