Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Article Version
Publisher's PDF
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This paperpresentsan active-learning approach for enhancedlearning in a course on Electromagnetic Compatibilityoffered as an elective to undergraduate and graduate students in electrical and computer engineering majors.Discovery based laboratory demonstrations, simulations and construction projects were created in the course to enable student centered original educational experience. Suitableassessments were conducted to test the learning outcomes. Anonymous student survey was also conducted to test student perception of understanding of course materials. Results show that active-learning leads to improved student outcomes.
Publication Title
Proceedings of the ASEE Northeast Section Conference, April 2016
Repository Citation
Balaji, Uma and Lyon, Douglas A., "Active Learning Approach for Enhanced Student Learning in Electromagnetic Compatibility Course" (2016). Engineering Faculty Publications. 195.
Published Citation
Balaji, U. and Lyon, D. (2016). Active learning approach for enhanced student learning in electromagnetic compatibility course. Proceedings of the ASEE northeast section conference, April 2016.
©2016 American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE Northeast Section Conference Proceedings, April 2016, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island.
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