Sharing Pedagogies: Students and Teachers Respond to English Curricula
Editors: Gail Tayko, John Tassoni
Contributing authors: Elizabeth Boquet, C. Ann Ott, C. Mark Hurlbert.
Elizabeth Boquet, with C. Ann Ott and C. Mark Hurlbert, is a contributing author, “Dinner at the Classroom Restaurant: Shared Pedagogies in a Graduate Seminar.”
Book description: This is a book about the passion, risk, and promise of sharing power in the classroom. It is a quest for something students and teachers need and may yet win: a culture of democratic authority in our classrooms. The essays collected here show students and teachers reconstructing power relations by asking: Who has the right to speak in the classroom? Whose voices, what content, and which processes should be deployed? How can we overcome entrenched teacher-talk? It addresses one of the central concerns of democratic teaching: Where does subject matter come from and what do we do with it to become empowered, critical, and more humane?
Publication Date
Publication Information
Ott, C. Ann, Elizabeth Boquet, and C. Mark Hurlbert. “Dinner at the Classroom Restaurant: Shared Pedagogies in a Graduate Seminar.” Sharing Pedagogies: Students and Teachers Respond to English Curricula. Eds. Gail Tayko and John Tassoni. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook/Heinemann, 1996.
Recommended Citation
Tayko, Gail; Tassoni, John; Ott, C. Ann; Boquet, Elizabeth H.; and Hurlbert, C. Mark, "Sharing Pedagogies: Students and Teachers Respond to English Curricula" (1996). English Faculty Book Gallery. 38.
Copyright 1996 Boynton/Cook/Heinemann