A Companion to Gower

A Companion to Gower


Editor: Siân Echard

Contributing author: Robert Epstein


Document Type

Book Contribution


Robert Epstein is a contributing author, “London, Southwark, Westminster: Gower’s Urban Contexts”.

Book description:

Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate were the three poets of their time considered to have founded the English poetic tradition. Gower, like Lydgate, eventually fell victim to changing tastes but is now enjoying renewed scholarly attention. Current work in manuscript studies, linguistic studies, vernacularity, translation, politics, and the contexts of literary production has found a rich source in Gower's trilingual, learned, and politically engaged corpus. This Companion to Gower offers essays by scholars from Britain and North America, covering Gower's works in all three of his languages; they consider his relationships to his literary sources, and to his social, material and historical contexts; and they offer an overview of the manuscript, linguistic, and editorial traditions. Five essays concentrate specifically on the Confessio Amantis, Gower's major Middle English work, reading it in terms of its relationship to vernacular and classical models, its poetic style, and its treatment of such themes as politics, kingship, gender, sexuality, authority, authorship and self-governance. A reference bibliography, arranged as a chronology of criticism, concludes the volume.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Epstein, Robert. “London, Southwark, Westminster: Gower’s Urban Contexts.” In A Companion to Gower. Ed. by Siân Echard. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2004.


Copyright 2004 Editor & Contributors, published by D.S. Brewer.

A Companion to Gower
