
Nick Kelsh, admissions photographer
This is a photograph of Canadian geese flying across the campus on a snowy winter day. The DiMenna-Nyselius Library can be seen behind the trees. This picture was taken from the lawn near Bellarmine Hall, looking down the big hill toward the library. The Egan Chapel would be on the road to the left beyond the photograph; the Quick Center for the Arts is is lost in the trees to the right of the library. Notice the lone figure walking up the main road toward the Chapel.
For a mid-sized suburban campus, Fairfield University supports a diverse array of wildlife, including wild turkeys, Canadian geese, and white-tailed deer. It is considered good luck by some to see a stag with antlers, as this is the university mascot. Even the occasional fox and coyote have been spotted. Perhaps most notable are the green parrots who have made their nests in some of the large trees on campus and can be sighted best during winter when the leaves are down.
Fairfield University
Image Archive
Original Format
Digital photograph (BMP); color; 1.4 MB
Fairfield University Archives and Special Collections
© Fairfield University Archives and Special Collections. This resource may be used for educational or non-commercial purposes. Please direct any questions to
Repository Citation
Nick Kelsh, admissions photographer. "Canadian geese flying past DiMenna-Nyselius Library." 2006. Image Archive. Fairfield University Archives and Special Collections.