"Failure of the International Community to Implement RtoP: The Darfur Crisis" by Victoria L. Sitcawich

Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship


Who is responsible for protecting the rights of global populations, and how should such protection be implemented? This paper illustrates the ineffectiveness of the doctrine, Responsibility to Protect (RtoP), in terms of practice and implementation in the global community. Focusing on the Darfur conflict that emerged in 2003, this paper presents qualitative and quantitative data that provide evidence of the international community’s failure to successfully intervene and promote a sustainable conflict resolution. The emergence of RtoP and its defining points are first examined in this paper, followed by the failures of RtoP as they relate to international organizations and external states involved in resolving the Darfur conflict. RtoP’s failures can be attributed to its ambiguous foundation, lack of legal standing, and its controversial nature. Consequently, Darfur continues to experience mass atrocities today.



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