DigitalCommons@Fairfield - Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network (JUHAN) Conference 2012: Faculty/Staff: Dissemination of Teagle-Funded JUHAN Assessment Project


BCC 200

Start Date

15-6-2012 9:00 AM

End Date

15-6-2012 10:45 AM


Description: This session will be a rich opportunity for the JUHAN faculty, staff, assessment specialists, and other participants to discuss and share their experiences in the area of student learning assessment. The session will start with JUHAN's presentation of the learning outcomes and assessment tools they developed, which include the cognitive learning objectives, affective learning objectives, rubric traits, the vignette, survey, and reflection prompts. All of these tools are described in the JUHAN Assessment toolkit, copies of which will be distributed to the attendees. Participants will then be invited to share their own experiences in assessing student learning in courses relating to humanitarian action and social justice. Thus, presenters and participants will enrich their own assessment practices in this interactive session.



Ana Siscar, LL.M., Fairfield University
Curt Naser, Ph.D., Fairfield University
Mindy McWilliams, Georgetown University

Ana Marie N. Siscar is adjunct professor of international studies at Fairfield University and project director of the Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network (JUHAN). Her teaching and research focus on international human rights and refugee law, global social justice, and immigration law. She has an extensive experience in practicing international law and has directly worked with refugees.

Mindy McWilliams is Assistant Director for Assessment in the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University. Her work focuses on classroom and program-level assessment of student learning using focus groups, surveys, student reflections and other methods. She has contributed to the development of the JUHAN cognitive learning objectives, the vignette, and worked with Georgetown faculty to assess student learning in their JUHAN courses.

Curtis Naser is the Facilitator for Academic Assessment at Fairfield University and the author/creator of the Mentor Course Management & Assessment System. Curt is co-founder of Axiom Education which now develops and supports the Mentor system. He is a practicing bioethicist specializing in the ethics of research involving human subjects and serves on the Institutional Review Board and Ethics Committee of Bridgeport Hospital, the Ethics Committee at the Visiting Nurse Service of Connecticut and the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Oversight Committee at Yale University. Professor Naser is a member of the New England Educational Assessment Network Board.


Jun 15th, 9:00 AM Jun 15th, 10:45 AM

Faculty/Staff: Dissemination of Teagle-Funded JUHAN Assessment Project

BCC 200

Description: This session will be a rich opportunity for the JUHAN faculty, staff, assessment specialists, and other participants to discuss and share their experiences in the area of student learning assessment. The session will start with JUHAN's presentation of the learning outcomes and assessment tools they developed, which include the cognitive learning objectives, affective learning objectives, rubric traits, the vignette, survey, and reflection prompts. All of these tools are described in the JUHAN Assessment toolkit, copies of which will be distributed to the attendees. Participants will then be invited to share their own experiences in assessing student learning in courses relating to humanitarian action and social justice. Thus, presenters and participants will enrich their own assessment practices in this interactive session.