Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan, 6th Edition
Co-editors: Carole Lium Edelman and Carol Lynn Mandle
Contributing author: Meredith Wallace [Kazer]
Meredith Wallace [Kazer] is a contributing author, "Older Adult".
Book description: This book addresses health promotion for all ages and all population groups - individuals, families, and communities. It includes extensive coverage of growth and development throughout the life span, with an emphasis on normal development as well as the specific problems and health promotion issues common to each stage. A complete unit is devoted to health promotion interventions. It also offers a unique assessment framework based on Gordon's Functional Health Patterns to provide consistency in presentation and an approach in line with the promotion of health.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Wallace, M. (2006). Older Adult. In Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan 6th Edition (C. Edelman & C. Mandle Eds.). St. Louis: Mosby YearBook, Inc, pp. 571-600.
Recommended Citation
Edelman, Carole Lium; Mandle, Carol Lynn; and Kazer, Meredith Wallace, "Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan, 6th Edition" (2006). Nursing and Health Studies Faculty Book Gallery. 52.
Copyright 2006 Mosby/Elsevier