"Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, 3rd Edit" by Elizabeth Capezuti, DeAnne Zwicker et al.
Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, 3rd Edition

Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, 3rd Edition


Co-editors: Elizabeth Capezuti, DeAnne Zwicker, Mathy Mezey, Terry T. Fulmer

Contributing authors: Meredith Wallace [Kazer] and J.M. Arena


Document Type



Meredith Wallace [Kazer] (with J.M. Arena) is a contributing author, "Sexuality".

Book description: This is the third, thoroughly revised and updated edition of the book formerly entitled Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice. The protocols address key clinical conditions and circumstances likely to be encountered by a hospital nurse caring for older adults. They represent "best practices" for acute care of the elderly as developed by nursing experts around the country as part of the Hartford Foundation's Nurses Improving Care to the Hospitalized Elderly project (NICHE).

This third edition includes 17 revised and updated chapters and more than 15 new topics including critical care, diabetes, hydration, oral health care, palliative care, and substance abuse. Each chapter includes educational objectives, assessment of the problem, nursing intervention or care strategies, and references; most chapters have case studies.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Arena, J. M. & Wallace, M. (2008). Sexuality. In Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, 3rd Edition,. (E. Capezuti, Zwicker, D., M. Mezey & T. Fulmer, Eds). New York, Springer Publishing Co., pp. 629-647.


Copyright 2008 Springer Publishing Co.

Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, 3rd Edition
