Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it REAL, 2nd ed.

Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it REAL, 2nd ed.


Co-editors: Suzanne H. Campbell and K. Daley

Contributing author: Alison Kris


Document Type



Alison Kris is a contributing author, "Care of an Older Adult with Congestive Heart Failure," p. 67-77.

Book description: This second edition of an acclaimed book for nurse educators provides a practical, step-by-step guide to designing and developing simulation scenarios and integrating them into the nursing curriculum. Based on extensive discussion with contributing authors and new faculty, the text has been updated to include changes in simulation pedagogy since the first edition was published in 2008, and thoroughly reorganized to facilitate greater ease of use. Outstanding features include scenarios easily adaptable to the instructor's own lab, and a new section on graduate nursing education and interdisciplinary clinical scenarios. Scenarios are ordered according to their complexity for ease of access. The authors provide concrete information about the use of simulation in a variety of programs, courses, and schools, and describe how nursing faculty have mastered the challenge of integrating simulation into their curricula, from fundamental nursing arenas to more complex levels of care. Chapters discuss how simulation can be used with such diverse populations as medical-surgical, geriatric, pediatric, trauma, obstetric, and home care. The book offers scenario-running instructions, as well as recommendations on developing faculty, integrating point-of-care decision-making tools and necessary equipment, how to set up a lab (including static to high-fidelity manikins), and much more. Scenarios explore key themes in nursing, from ethics, spirituality and palliative care, to communication and cultural diversity. A template for creating scenarios spans the text and includes student preparation materials, forms, and checklists.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Kris, Alison. (2012) "Care of an Older Adult with Congestive Heart Failure." In Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it Real. (2nd ed.). New York: Springer, 67-77.


Copyright 2012 Springer

Simulation Scenarios for Nurse Educators: Making it REAL, 2nd ed.
