Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: An interpersonal Approach, Second edition
Co-editors: Jeffrey Jones , Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Vickie L. Rogers
Contributing author: Audrey M. Beauvais
Document Type
Audrey Beauvais is a contributing author, "Personality Disorders".
Book description: Thoroughly updated to correlate with DSM-5 diagnostic descriptions and QSEN guidelines, the second edition of this highly acclaimed undergraduatepsychiatric nursing text features concrete strategies for establishing interpersonal relationships as the basis not only for working with the psychiatricpatient population, but as a timeless foundation for all nursing practice. The text guides students through the essential phases of self-discoverynecessary to integrate interpersonal nursing theory into practice. Modules designed to foster growth in therapeutic use of self, including the importanceof boundary management, are integrated with psychodynamic and current neurobiological theories to provide sturdy theoretical underpinnings for practice.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Beauvais, Audrey M. "Personality Disorders" in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: An interpersonal Approach, Second edition. New York: Springer Publishing Co. (2016).
Recommended Citation
Jones, Jeffrey; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.; Rogers, Vickie L.; and Beauvais, Audrey M., "Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: An interpersonal Approach, Second edition" (2016). Nursing and Health Studies Faculty Book Gallery. 75.
Copyright 2016 Springer