Saving our backs: safe patient handling and mobility for home care
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Predicted work-related injuries for nurses and home healthcare workers are on the rise given the many risk factors in the home environment and the escalating demands for home healthcare workers in the United States. Fortunately, safe patient handling and mobility programs can dramatically decrease injuries. Despite strides being made to promote safe patient handling and mobility programs in acute care, more can be done to establish such initiatives in the home care setting.
Publication Title
Home Healthcare Now
Repository Citation
Beauvais, Audrey M. and Frost, Lenore, "Saving our backs: safe patient handling and mobility for home care" (2014). Nursing and Health Studies Faculty Publications. 109.
Published Citation
Beauvais, Audrey, and Lenore Frost. "Saving our backs: safe patient handling and mobility for home care." Home Healthcare Now 32, no. 7 (2014): 430-434.
Peer Reviewed
© 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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