Using evidence-based practice to develop a protocol for postoperative surgical intensive care unit patients
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Sixty adult postoperative patients from the surgical intensive care unit with core temperatures <35.4°C, as measured by a pulmonary artery catheter, were randomly assigned to one of three treatment options for hypothermia. Results of this study confirmed findings in the literature that forced warm air generated quickest rewarming times. A rewarming protocol for hypothermic patients was developed and implemented. Performance improvement activity demonstrated high compliance rates with nurses using the rewarming protocol.
Publication Title
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing
Repository Citation
Grossman, Sheila; Bautista, Cynthia; and Sullivan, Lisa, "Using evidence-based practice to develop a protocol for postoperative surgical intensive care unit patients" (2002). Nursing and Health Studies Faculty Publications. 160.
Published Citation
Grossman, S., Bautista, C., & Sullivan, L. (2002). Using evidence-based practice to develop a protocol for postoperative surgical intensive care unit patients. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 21(5), 206-213.
Copyright 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
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