Nursing Students Identify Fears Regarding Working with Diverse Critically Ill Patients: Development of Guidelines for Caring for Diverse Critically Ill Older Adults

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Undergraduate students need to gain more exposure to communicating, assessing, and planning appropriate care and evaluating outcomes of care with diverse critically ill geriatric patients. This project developed teaching strategies that facilitated additional opportunities for gaining these valuable learning experiences for students. Nurse educators can use the Guidelines for Caring for Diverse Critically Ill Older Adults, the case study and simulation examples, and topical outline to assist them in teaching critical care students and nurses about diverse critically ill older adults.


Copyright 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Publication Title

Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing

Published Citation

Grossman, S. (2013). Nursing Students Identify Fears Regarding Working with Diverse Critically Ill Patients: Development of Guidelines for Caring for Diverse Critically Ill Older Adults, Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 32.5 Sep/Oct 2013. 237-243. doi:10.1097/DCC.0b013e3182a0780c.


