Watchful waiting versus prostatectomy for prostate cancer. (Protocol)
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The objective of this systematic review is to compare the beneficial and harmful effects of radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting (as defined in 'Types of interventions' below) for the treatment of prostate cancer, which is believed to be still confined to the prostate gland (clinically localized prostate cancer).
In relation to this objective the following null hypothesis will be tested: To test the null hypothesis of no difference in terms of the primary, secondary and tertiary outcomes (specified below in 'Types of outcome measures') between radical prostatectomy and watchful waiting.
Publication Title
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Repository Citation
Hegarty, Josephine; Beirne, Paul; Comber, Harry; and Kazer, Meredith Wallace, "Watchful waiting versus prostatectomy for prostate cancer. (Protocol)" (2007). Nursing and Health Studies Faculty Publications. 30.
Published Citation
Hegarty, J., Beirne, P., Comber, H., & Wallace, M. (2007) Watchful waiting versus prostatectomy for prostate cancer. (Protocol) Cochrane Library - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006590. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006590.
Peer Reviewed
Copyright 2007 Cochrane Collaboration