This collection represents 309 books, collected by Walter J. Petry from 1983-1992. They have been written or edited by historians, political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, theologians, journalists and travelers on various aspects of the Revolution.
La Sangre por el pueblo : nuevos mártires de América Latina
Departamento de Comunicación del Instituto Histórico Centroamericano
El Papa en Nicaragua : análisis de su visita.
Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y Africa.
The Dawning of Nicaragua.
Instituto de Información de Centroamérica y del Caribe (Managua, Nicaragua)
Ante el Consejo de Estado : [To the Council of State]
Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Carlos Nuñez Tellez
Edén Pastora : una vida en busca de la libertad
Edén Pastora Gómez and Gladis Miranda Arellano
Contains interviews, speeches, and other documents by Edén Pastora.
Cristianos en la Revolución Nicaragüense. English; Christians in the Nicaraguan revolution
Margaret Randall and Mariana Valverde
Liberation Theology, as it played itself out in the context of Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution. This book features two experiences: one in the base community of Santa Maria de los Angeles, in a working-class neighborhood of Managua; the other in Ernesto Cardenal’s community on an island in the archipelago of Solentiname, Great Lake of Nicaragua.