Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives
Editors: Linda Mosher, David Marshall
Contributing author: Martin Nguyen
Document Type
Book Contribution
Martin Nguyen is a contributing author, “Of Storytellers and Storytelling: A Muslim Response to Christoph Schwöbel," p.93-93.
Book description:
Conventional wisdom would have it that believing in one God is straightforward; that Muslims are expert at monotheism, but that Christians complicate it, weaken it, or perhaps even abandon it altogether by speaking of the Trinity. In this book, Muslim and Christian scholars challenge that opinion. Examining together scripture texts and theological reflections from both traditions, they show that the oneness of God is taken as axiomatic in both, and also that affirming God's unity has raised complex theological questions for both. The two faiths are not identical, but what divides them is not the number of gods they believe in. The latest volume of proceedings of The Building Bridges Seminar—a gathering of scholar-practitioners of Islam and Christianity that meets annually for the purpose of deep study of scripture and other texts carefully selected for their pertinence to the year's chosen theme—this book begins with a retrospective on the seminar's first fifteen years and concludes with an account of deliberations and discussions among participants, thereby providing insight into the model of vigorous and respectful dialogue that characterizes this initiative.
Publication Date
Publication Information
Nguyen, Martin. “Of Storytellers and Storytelling: A Muslim Response to Christoph Schwöbel,” in Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, edited by Lucinda Mosher and David Marshall. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2018, pp. 93-96.
Recommended Citation
Mosher, Lucinda; Marshall, David; and Nguyen, Martin, "Monotheism and Its Complexities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives" (2018). Religious Studies Faculty Book Gallery. 93.
Copyright 2018 Georgetown University Press