World Society in the Global Economic Crisis

World Society in the Global Economic Crisis


Co-editors: Mark Herkenrath, Christian Suter

Contributing co-authors: Eric Mielants, Jeffrey Kentor, Peter Grimes


Document Type



Eric Mielants (with Jeffrey Kentor and Peter Grimes) is a contributing author, "The Current Economic Crisis, The Longue Durée, and Regional Hegemony," p. 71-88.

Book description: The global financial and economic crisis started in 2008 with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Four years later, despite massive national and international countermeasures, it is still not over. This volume examines the considerable economic, social and political consequences of the present global crisis for world society. In particular, the 16 contributions focus on three central issues: Firstly, crisis impacts on world society structures and evolutionary dynamics, secondly, crisis perceptions and public discourses with their social and political consequences and, thirdly, experience of the global crisis at local and regional levels, as well as the responses to it.



Publication Date


Publication Information

Eric Mielants, Jeffrey Kentor and Peter Grimes. “The Current Economic Crisis, The Longue Durée, and Regional Hegemony” , in Mark Herkenrath & Christian Suter (eds.) World Society in the Global Economic Crisis Münster : LIT Verlag, 2012, p. 71-88


Copyright 2012 LIT Verlag.

World Society in the Global Economic Crisis
